
Veterans´ stories

Veteran Elle Jürgenson


Veteran Elle Jürgenson

Elle Jürgenson – ambulance nurse, brigade leader

What has your career been like in the Defence Forces (where have you served and for how long)? – When and which mission or missions did you go on?

I started my service in the Defence Forces in 1995. I served in the Air Defence Division,
at the Medical Training Center of the Health Center and currently at the medical service of the Defence General Staff.

I have participated in the following missions:
2010 Haiti (camp medic),
2011 Oct-2012 May Afghanistan Estcoy 13 (MedEvac teamleader),
2012 June- 2012 Nov Afghanistan ESTCON 12 (contingent medical officer)

Why did you decide to go on a mission?

New challenges have always fascinated me. Being on a mission as a medic gives invaluable experience in treating trauma patients. This experience makes it possible to teach colleagues and now I can emphasize every little detail that makes a difference in making medical assistance more efficient.

What is your profession today?

I work in Tallinn Emergency Medical Care as an emergency nurse – brigade leader.

What is your connection with the Defence Forces today?

I am still connected to the Defence Forces and serve in the medical service of the Defence Forces General Staff.

What was the main benefit of the mission experience? How did it affect your life choices later?

The mission experience has made me more balanced and calm. I don’t worry about every little thing anymore and I can value small things better. For example, I appreciate the fact that I sleep in my own bed, I have free access to electricity, food and clean water. The time spent with family is priceless.

Which skills and experiences gained on the mission have been useful later on,
in work or social life?

It made it possible to teach colleagues further and to emphasize every little detail that makes a difference in making medical assistance more efficient.

How many people outside of your closest circle know that you’ve been on a mission/missions?

Difficult to say.

What is the first reaction of people when they hear that you have been a member of the Defence Forces and have been on a mission?

People don’t believe that I am in the Defence Forces and that I have been on missions. It has been said that it’s a joke, that it’s not possible.

What do you think or feel when you see people wearing the Blue Hepatica pin?

I think that there are good people who support charity and thereby give an opportunity to someone in need.

Is there someone you think of or salute when you wear a Blue Hepatica pin?

As I put the Blue Hepatica on my chest, I think of the ESTCOY 13 medics and salute them: Andres
Žavaronkov, Dmitri Petrov, Janar Rosin.

What do you wish for your fellows and the entire Estonian nation on this Veterans Day?

To live a wonderful life, create more, buy less, hug more, fight less, give
more, take less, forgive more, worry less and be thankful everyday to be alive!

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