

Blue Hepatica Runs in Tartu set a new participation record


On Saturday, April 15, the Narva Blue Flower Run took place, where the record number of participants of the city’s Blue Flower Run, i.e. a little over 80 people, had registered to run on the border Joaoru promenade. Both the allies from Tapalt and the Viru Prison team were represented in large numbers among the runners. Tiit Oinus was the best in the men’s race with a result of 11:05.4, Jana Heikinen finished as the best in women with a time of 14:21.0, Rudolf Kits won the M40 class, Kristina Kärt was the best in the N35 class, Aleksandr Maslennikov the best in the 16P class and Polina Grigorieva the best in T16. All results can be found HERE

Mikk Sarik, the sports director of the Defense Forces, who also ran with the race himself, said: “It is a pleasure to see that the number of local running enthusiasts has increased over the years. In addition, it is a pleasure that the allies of the USA also came to show their presence and give honor to Estonian veterans.”

However, on Sunday, April 16, the last Blue Flower Run of the veteran month was run in Tartu, where a record number of runners for 2023 gathered – nearly 400 runners. In addition, nearly 150 little sports fans participated in the Sinilillekes children’s runs with the mascot Nublu, those interested could take the general physical test of the defense forces and warm up with the inspiring coaches of Myfitness.

Hannes Metsalu was the best in the men’s competition class with a time of 10.50.0, while Kadri-Liis Rehtla was the best in the women’s category with a time of 13.28.7. The fastest in M40 was Margus Lehtna, the best in N35 was Maarika Vällik. Daren-Marcus Teder turned out to be the best P16, and Doris Audova was the best in the girls’ competition of the same age. All results can be viewed HERE.

Urmas Rajaver, the main organizer of the Blue Flower Runs, summarizes the season: “It is great to end this year’s runs with almost twice the number of participants than last year’s run in Tartu. If the first races at the beginning of April took place in crisp spring weather, by today the conditions were already better, and that certainly also resulted in a decent number of participants. We are especially happy that the whole family came out to celebrate the year of movement and a lot of kids participated in the children’s races!”

Over all the runs, more than 1,000 people contributed to the Anname Au campaign and their health this year. Until Veteran’s Day on April 23, there is still an opportunity to increase this number and run the Blue Flower Run in the virtual calculation. Information and registration annameau.ee/sinilillejooks

The photo gallery of the Narva race can be found HERE

The picture gallery of the Tartu run can be found HERE

In the spring of 2023, funds will be raised to support veterans and their loved ones, as well as the health care industry at large. The income from the sale of the blue flower insignia helps, in cooperation with the Pärnu Bay Rotary Club, to create a swimming facility for disabled people at Pärnu beach, to purchase a video colonoscope needed for Hiiumaa Hospital, and in cooperation with the Paralympic Committee to create a para-skiing facility at the Kiviõli Adventure Center.

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