
Veterans´ stories

Veteran Kalle Hüüdma



Depicted in the photo is Henry with his father, veteran Sergeant First Class Kalle Hüüdma, who has participated in seven foreign missions – Kosovo (2004), Afghanistan (2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012) and Lebanon (2016).

1. How did your career in the Defence Forces begin?

My career started in 2003 in the Scouts Battalion B Company.

2. When and where was your first mission?

The first mission was Kosovo in 2004, later there were 6 more missions.

3. What was the biggest challenge while on the mission?

The biggest challenge during the first mission was being away and adjusting to the new conditions. Fortunately, we had received good training and teamwork went smoothly, so the following missions were not so difficult.

4. How often was it possible to communicate with the loved ones who stayed home?

Parents and friends were waiting during the first mission. Communication was possible in Kosovo via internet and correspondence.

5. What has the mission experience given or taught you?

The mission provides many different experiences. I liked the new environment, consolidation and practice of the training, and cooperation and interaction with allied forces. I am definitely ready to take on new challenges again!

I wish to donate

The donations of the charity campaign go to the Estonian Society of Wounded Soldiers

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